Pascal Noetzli is a Swiss-based photographer, born in Singapore and raised in the Canton of Zug, in a small village in the heart of Switzerland. He graduated in 2016 as a Graphic Designer in Lucerne and has worked for several studios and institutions in different functions. Currently, he is studying Camera Arts at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in the Department of Visual Communication, while he did an Exchange Semester at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem in 2023. In his work, he focuses on various fields of photography, including society, sports culture, and the exploration of political and sociocultural topics. Visual storytelling and translating and implementing individual perceptions and ideas into photographic stories are central to his creative process. This portfolio showcases projects, stories, commissions, and collaborations that have been developed in recent years. 

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Sixoc Studios, Agentur Math, Sailent Media, The Actors Management, Plantworks Gmbh, Meyer Orchideen, Swissorchid, 97thagency GmbH, Skyler Wind, Zuger Presse, IZSOGOOD Studios, Igor Iov, Rhythmolatino, Jeshiwa Mizgavladach, Emost AG, Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft Zug, LZ Medien, Kobal Grafik, York Magazine, Wash Monthly

Street Photography Kunstkubus Cham, Emmenbrücke Genius Loci, Calatorie a jocul frumos in a group exhibition named East european field trip, Schloss Wartenfels «I'm only human», Peculiarities of Katamon (Bezalel Academy Group Exhibition), «As we are – a helvetic introspective», part of «Each&Other» Bachelor Graduation Exhibition in 2024

Spiritus Multiculturalis – ten local shops, ten local stories 
O calatorie cu jocul frumos – The beautiful game in Romania  
Middle east anectotes (currently in progess)

© all photographs are lincensed by Pascal Noetzli – all rights reserved